21 October 2012 COOGAN story ____________________________________________________________________ appearing in "Philadelphia Inquirer" [PA], 01 APR 1869: DEATH FROM INTEMPERANCE The Coroner, yesterday morning, was notified to hold an inquest upon the body of Andrew C. Coogan, aged 28 years, who was found dead in bed, at his residence, No. 726 S. Sixth street. The investigation by the Coroner revealed the following facts: - The deceased lived with his mother, and occupied two rooms in the above numbered residence. He had not worked any for the past two years, and was addicted to intemperance. He and his mother were engaged in moving on Tuesday. During the afternoon Coogan collected together a lot of old iron, and with the money obtained by the sale went on a spree, and did not return until half past eleven o'clock. Then he was greatly under the influence of liquor. He entered his apartment and threw himself on some bedding which lay on the floor, and yesterday morning he was found dead, lying on his face. A portion of the bed was saturated with blood, which had flown from the nose and mouth of the deceased. The verdict of the Coroner's jury was "death from intemperance." ____________________________________________________________________