25 January 2020 COOGAN story appearing in "Frederick Evening Post" [Maryland] (28 APR 1911, PAGE 8): DEFENDS MAN HE ACCUSES Lawyer Robbed of Ring Saves Him From Prison HARTFORD, CONN, APRIL 28 - In police court yesterday Judge John Coogan, a prominent lawyer, played the double role of accuser and defender of Henry W. Rice, who was charged with stealing his valuable diamond ring. Mr. Coogan went to a Turkish bath last night, and when he started to leave his ring was missing. He called the police, and after a long search detectives found the ring in the street clothes of the bath attendant, Rice, to whom Coogan had handed his valuables. Under subpoena Mr. Coogan had to testify against Rice. After he had finished, with the permission of the court, he made an impassioned plea for the prisoner, who was released on probation.