CRG Researchers: Minnesota (MN)

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Researcher Name Researcher Email Earliest COOGAN Research
CRG Sponsor CRG Sponsor James E. COOGAN (born c.1824) text
Tamara Quesenberry Patrick Henry COOGAN (born 1856) text
Iola Johnson Hennebry email inactive Mary Ann COOGAN (born 1859) text
Emma Cronin email inactive George H. COOGAN (born c.1861) text
Patricia Lake Bowman email inactive Peter James COOGAN (born 1864) text
CRG Sponsor CRG Sponsor George COOGAN (born c.1867) text
Pat Connor Coogan Elizabeth COOGAN (born 1870) text
William J. Hughes William T. COOGAN (born 1883) text
CRG Sponsor CRG Sponsor James Bernard COOGAN (born 1900) text
Mary Coogan email inactive Sister Mary Celeste [COOGAN] (born 1900) text