CRG Researchers: Arizona (AZ)

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Researcher Name Researcher Email Earliest COOGAN Research
Colleen Coogan Hamric Michael J. COOGAN (born 1860) text
Eileen Cogan email inactive John Vincent COGAN (born 1890) text
Bob Malley email inactive William C. COOGAN (born 1893) text
Margaret Schilling Hover William C. COOGAN (born 1893) text
Carol Ward Dudley William C. COOGAN (born 1893) text
Raymond E. Santerre email inactive William Edward Ashton COOGAN (born 1902) text
Raymond E. Santerre email inactive James H. COOGAN (born 1906) text
CRG Sponsor CRG Sponsor Elinore J. [CROWLEY] COOGAN (born 1914) text
CRG Sponsor CRG Sponsor Charles V. COOGAN (born 1918) text
Daniel B. Coogan email inactive Donald E. COOGAN (born 1920) text
Paul Scarpa email inactive Donald E. COOGAN (born 1920) text
Michael Coogan Daniel F. COOGAN (born 1929) text
Wayne Guinn Cotheal Hugh COOGAN (born 1933) text
Bob Coogan email inactive Daniel COOGAN text
Daniel Coogan Daniel COOGAN text